Product Status

The users who have access permission to the 'Product Status' can view the below details in the system.

Get into 'Product Status' the following user details can be seen :-

  • Status Name

  • created Date

  • Status

  • Action

How to create a product status in DCKAP PIM?

  • To create a "product status" click on the 'Create' button at the top right of the screen. On click of the button a window opens and displays the "create" screen.

  • There is a field that will be available to create a product status along with an status radio button.

  • On entering details, Click on 'Save' to save the information and create a product status. Users can also click on 'Cancel' to reset all the information and return to the main screen.

How to edit product status in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Product Status Table" view click on the 'Pencil' icon button, it pops up 'Edit Product Status'.

  • Update necessary details.

  • Click on the 'Save' button.

How to delete product status in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Product Status Table" view click on the 'Trash' icon button, it pops up 'Delete Confirmation'.

  • Click on the 'Delete' button to delete product status or click on 'Cancel' button to discard.

Last updated