Product Relation

The users who have access permission to the 'Product Relation' can view the below details in the system.

How to create a new product relation in DCKAP PIM?

  • To create a "Product Relation" click the 'Create Relation' button at the top right of the screen. On click of the button a slider window opens and displays the "Create Relation" screen.

  • Enter the required fields,



Used to create unique code for Product relation.

Note: code is used to identify the relation if there are multiple relations with the same names.


It shows the status of product relation either Active or In-active.


To create a name for product relation (you can add multiple language name).

  • Click on 'Save' button at the top right corner to save the information and create a product relation. Users can also click on 'Cancel' to reset all the information and return to the main screen.

How to assign product relation in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Relation" on the right side of the page, a list of the "Products" are displayed.

  • Click on the 'Assign' icon to assign the relation and pop-up opens to 'Assign Related Products'.

  • In the pop-up, a table of products are displayed with the 'Assign' icon.

  • Click on 'Assign' button to relate to selected product.


How to un-assign product relation in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Relation" on the right side of the page, a list of the "Products" are displayed.

  • Click on the 'View' icon to un-assign the relation and pop-up opens to 'Un-Assign Related Products'.

  • In the pop-up, a table of products are displayed with the 'Trash' icon.

  • Click on the 'Trash' button to un-relate to the selected product.


How to edit a relation in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Relation" on the left side of the page, a list of the created "Relations" are displayed.

  • Click on the 'Pencil' icon to edit the relation and pop-up opens to 'Edit Relation'.

  • Update the necessary data of the selected relation.

  • Then click on the 'Save' button to update changes or 'Cancel' to discard the changes.

How to delete a relation in DCKAP PIM?

  • In the "Relation" on the right side of the page, a list of the created "Relations" are displayed.

  • Click on the 'Trash' icon and a confirmation pop-up will be displayed.

  • Click on 'Delete' button to delete relation or 'Cancel' button to discard.

Last updated