
Required headers

These headers are mandatory in the import spreadsheet.

  • attribute_label-<language code>

  • attribute_hint-<language code>

  • attribute_group_code

  • attribute_code

  • attribute_type

  • atatus

  • is_required

  • Is_unique

  • default_value

  • options-<language code>

  • minimum_limit

  • maximum_limit

  • maximum_characters

  • validation_rules

  • is_editor_option

  • file_extensions

  • maximum_upload_size

  • is_decimal

  • decimal_digit

  • metric_family

  • metric_unit

  • allow_past_date

  • allow_future_date

  • attribute_family_code

  • channel_code

If there are multiple languages, each should have a separate header for columns with , like “attribute_label-en_US”

Required values

These headers must contain values.

  • Attribute_group_code

  • Attribute_code

  • Attribute_type

  • Status


  • Attribute_code value must be unique

  • attribute_group_code field must have the code of one of the attribute groups available in PIM

  • status must have value as 0 or 1 [0 for Inactive and 1 for Active]

Last updated