Tree View

How to filter by channel & search categories in tree view ?

  1. On the left side of the page, you can filter the categories based on channels by choosing the select option in the list and then (filter by channel).

  2. You can search the parent category or subcategory from the created category tree.

  3. Searched category list is highlighted in brown color

  4. Category view looks like a tree structure, and you can expand and collapse the category view.

How to sort categories in tree view ?

  1. On the left side of the page, drag the category name which you want to sort or move.

  2. Drag the category and place it in the required position in the list.

  3. You will get notification whether the sorting was modified successfully or not.

Note: Parent Category cannot be dragged and dropped into another parent or child category.

How to expand or collapse category tree

  1. On the left side of the page, A Button with +/- icon is located on side of search bar.

  2. Click on that button to Expand or Collapse entire tree structure of categories.

Last updated