Create Category

How to create a new category?

  • To create a new "Category" click the 'Create Category' button at the top right of the screen then the new slider window opens and displays the "Create Category" screen.

  • Enter the required fields.


Choose Category

To create a parent category choose "Parent Category" from the dropdown. To create a subcategory, choose existing category in the dropdown. Note: The channel of the parent is assigned to subcategory by default.

Category Name

To create a name for the category - either parent or subcategory, (you can add multiple language name).


They are used to create a unique code for the category

Note: code is used to identify the category if there are multiple categories with the same names.


You can upload a category image for parent or sub-category (Multiple images are supported).


Create a description for the category (you can use tiny-editor by enabling in the module settings → general settings → enable 'Category Description Editor' switch to use tiny-editor or un-check the switch for disabling).

Click on 'Save' button at the top right corner to save the information and create a new category. Users can also click on 'Cancel' or click on the 'X' icon to reset all the information and return to the main screen.

Last updated